153. interaction design stammtisch

Tuesday, 12th of september 2017, 7pm
at metalab, 1010 wien, Rathausstrasse 6
(public transportation: U2 Rathaus, 1/2/D Stadiongasse/Parlament)

We will continue with the new format:
7pm–9pm: Short slots (30 min) for each topic
From 9pm: Open discussions, get-together, focusing on previous topics

Topics for this meeting:

  • Dark Patterns: UI designed to trick people (Adrián Bolonio)
  • You can save Web Typography (Oliver Schöndorfer)
    The web is written language and it’s also a mess, because most sites don’t present text properly. Typography to the rescue! In this talk you will learn how to boost your next web project with good typography. Several examples and live demos will give you a basic understanding of type and how to apply it with CSS in responsive web design. It’s a talk for developers, designers and everyone in between. Together we can save the web’s typography one paragraph at a time.
  • How Meisterlabs does product development (Lena Kowarc and Stefan Forster)
    They will share design drafts they are currently working on and are open for your questions.

144. Interaction Design Stammtisch

Tuesday, 13th of December 2016, 7 PM
at metalab, 1010 Wien, Rathausstrasse 6
(public transportation: U2 Rathaus, 1/2/D Stadiongasse/Parlament)
Google Maps

We will continue with the new format:
7pm – 9pm: short slots (30 min) for each topic
from 9pm: Open discussions, get-together, focusing on previous topics, …

Topics for this meeting will be:

    • Design Maturity Initiative (Bernhard Ferro, 30min)
    • Design Thinking (Alex (IBM), 60 min)
    If there is time, otherwise in year 2017:
    • Overview about current Wireframing, Prototyping, UI/Screen Design apps — which tool for what kind of task? (Stefan, 30-60min)

You have a topic for this or the next event that you want to present? – we will find a slot… Your topic could be related to a book, article, prototype, startup-concept, wireframe, ….
→ please add your ideas and find further details at the Hackpad: https://ixdvie.hackpad.com/ongoing

We are always looking foward to welcoming new people at the Stammtisch!

Looking forward to seeing you next week,
Oliver & Tom

p.s. The Interaction Design Stammtisch happens every 2nd Tuesday of the month. Everybody interested in Interaction Desing, User Experience, Usability, Accessibility, User Interface Design, … is very welcome to attend. We don’t bite, promised.

pps: there is also the IxDAvienna mailinglist if you want to stay in touch by email

Locationsuche für UXcamp2010 (Update)

Vielen Dank für die zahlreichen Hilfeangeboten. Wir haben nun eine Location bei sektor5.

Weitere Infos findet ihr unter UxCamp 2010.

Wir haben leider noch immer keine Location für das UX-Barcamp dieses Jahr gefunden. Nun bitte ich um die Hilfe der Community. 🙂

(von http://static.twoday.net/netlektorin/ entnommen.)

Unsere Rahmenbedingungen:

  • Zeit: Wochenende (beide Tage oder sonst ein Tag) – idealerweise 23., 24. Oktober bzw. 6. November, 7. November – aber auch Wochenenden danach wäre natürlich möglich.
  • Platz: Wir rechnen mal vorsichtig mit 50 Personen, also 1 großer Aufenthaltsraum +2-3 kleine Seminarräume wäre ideal.
  • Ausstattung: WLAN und Beamer wäre traumhaft, aber sind nicht Voraussetzung.

Bitte schreibt mir oliver@uxvienna.at oder schreibt ein Kommentar, wenn ihr weiterhelfen könnt.

Vielen, vielen Dank,